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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I want to start out by saying that I can not begin to understand the pain that the community of Newtown, CT is feeling right now.  I don't understand how anyone could bring themselves to hurt a child or those that protect them.  I have spent three days trying to come up with the right thing to say, thinking about how I can make a difference and I end up typing and deleting because nothing seems enough. 

In memory of the victims I want challenge us all to positively affect someone else.  To commit a random act of kindness on a personal basis.  To make a difference, big or small, and show people that they matter- that someone wanted to go out of their way for them. 

So I decided to issue a challenge.  I want people to commit random acts of kindness and share them, use their stories to inspire others.  For complete details see below.

The Challenge
1.  Commit three random acts of kindness (It can be anything as long as it positively affects the other person's day and it's something that you wouldn't typically do.) 
2.  Tell us about it!  I want people to be inspired, to get ideas of what they can do so post your results on our Facebook page ( or our Twitter ( and use the hashtag #Love
3.  For every act you post on our page (Limit one story entry per day) I'll enter you in to win a "believes in Love" tee.  It can be for you OR you can send it to someone you care about to remind them they are loved.
4.  Challenge ends at 11:59p.m. on December 31, 2012.  Two shirts will be given out the first week of January. 

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