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Monday, December 31, 2012

Me vs. 2013

I'm so ready for 2013!  However, while getting ready for the New Year I began to think about how I basically  make the same resolutions every year.  You know the usual:  Take time to smell the roses, get in shape, blah blah blah.  I've also begun to realize that it's almost a trend to break your resolution.  It's like we look to each other for excuses to fall right back into our old habits.
So for this year instead of making resolutions I'm setting Goals.  Goals are kind of like creating your life the way you want... then working to make them happen.  Plus it's working towards something, not a matter of breaking a resolution... because we all make mistakes every now and then... and that is how I'm going to take on 2013!
1.  Believes in Pushing the Limits: As I stated in my first blog my biggest insecurity is my weight. So instead of a resolution to lose X number of pounds I want to work on getting healthy and comfortable in my own skin.  Since I've been stuck in a rut for quite sometime, making this change will be pushing my personal limits... and I'm ready!
2.  Believes in Paying it Forward:  I want to make an impact, it's not a secret, it's one of the reasons we started Mingo.  So this year I want to connect with more organizations, I want to donate more and volunteer more.  I've been so blessed, I want to Pay that Forward.
3.  Believes in Love:  I have an unbelievable husband and family (not to mention dog - Zoe) and sometimes I don't think I let them know how much I love them as often as I should.   So for 2013 I want them all to know how amazing they are!
4.  Believes in Miracles:  This one is all about my version of smelling the roses.  There are so many miracles that happen everyday- big and small.  I get so wrapped up in the day to day of life that I forget to notice them.  By noticing the miracles of everyday, more fabulousness happens.
5.  Believes in Possibilities:   I want to make Mingo a success.  I want to keep hearing stories of what certain beliefs mean to people and their lives,  I want to grow, to donate more, to create more to... well, everything!  That's why I believe in Possibilities, when you believe anything can happen then you don't put limitations on what you can accomplish.
What are your 2013 goals?  What are your beliefs?
Cheers and HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Unknown said...

Tiff, you are so cute! Love you and all your amazing ideas. Cheers to a new start for this year. :D

<3 Sally and Craig

Anonymous said...

It is so true about making resolutions just to break them. Like Dave Ramsey says, you really need "gazelle-intensity" to stick with some things in life, and I think sometimes it takes a person a few tries to finally look at something and say, "Hey, I've had enough of mucking around, this time I'M DOING IT." I am the same way with always saying that "this is the year I finish a first draft of an original story!" Been saying that for many years now. 2013 will be different, because now I have "gazelle-intensity" toward that goal. But I feel I have made tiny steps in the right direction for that goal in all the years past when I didn't quite meet it. The same with wanting to get in shape, lose weight, or eat healthier. You might fall off the wagon a few times, and that's okay. Don't dwell on that. Pick yourself up and just go at it again. Each time it's going to get easier, you're going to make more progress, and you're going to move closer to that moment when you turn into the gazelle running for it's life!! We've been trying to eat healthier for awhile now too... and though we keep slipping back to crap foods every now and then, as a whole, we are way healthier than we were a few years ago! So... it's all progress, baby! Here's wishing you great success in all your goals in 2013!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Anonymous said...

PS... that was from Jeni btw.... ;)

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