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Monday, January 7, 2013

6 degrees to who?

I love the idea that we're all connected.  I also think that sometimes we forget that we're not that far away from the guy you pass on a street corner or the lady you scream at in a fit of road rage.  So thinking about this led me to the thinking about 6 Degrees of Separation (have you ever played 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon?)

Kevin Bacon Picture  Scarlett Johansson Picture
 Can you connect them?   (Photo Source IMDB)

 I've also discovered that you can literally type "Bacon number ______" into Google and it will tell you the connections.  Where was this during my high school theater days?  (Yes I know I was/am a nerd =)

So that leads me to thinking about who I'd connect to if I could... and how easy would it be?  If I had to narrow it down I'm thinking...

Ryan Reynolds:  Let's face it he's gorgeous, seems like a genuine guy and I might also get to meet his wife (who I think is gorgeous and amazing!) Plus I wanted an excuse to put his face on my blog!

Ryan Reynolds Picture
How can you not love him?  (Photo Source IMDB)
Then I was thinking who would be a great Mingo Spokesperson?  Who lives what they believe?  Who has personality quirks but doesn't hide who they are?  I love celebrities that break out of the mold or who show their less than perfect side!

Could our Mingo fans help us connect with someone amazing?  (Is there someone would wear a tee and maybe get their picture taken?  For almost nothing?)
So who is your top person to meet?  Do you think we could use the 6 degrees theory to make a Mingo connection?  What connection to people do you think we overlook daily?

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