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Monday, January 28, 2013

Yup that's how my brain works

Okay so I have a tendency to get all touchy feely.  It's something I'm working on I promise. 
In my head I want to be this person that inspires people to create quote posters on Pinterest every time I speak.  

lily cole dreams
Like this one, Love it, Live it
Click Image for original Link
 In actuality, I think I end up sounding like an extremely wordy Hallmark card.  Since I know I go over the top quite a bit I appreciate the bold, meaningful statements- hence the elegantly simple designs of Mingo. 
(Side Note:  I love Hallmark- I'm from KC, Hallmark is from KC- it's like we're bffs or something.  Support them, buy cards for your loved ones... but you have to buy super cheesy or super random- it's the only way to go.  Slightly humorous doesn't get the point across.) 
(Side Note Part 2:  About 15 separate times I actually started filling out the creative worksheets that Hallmark has on their website to find new talent... I only submitted 1 of the 15.)
(Side Note Part 3:  Hallmark was responsible for the creation of Rainbow Brite, who was my favorite as a child.  I was even in the fan club, but that's a story for another day.) 
That being said I also heard from a few little birdies that my random thoughts are the most entertaining to read so that being said... format change:  the randomness will be intertwined with words of my supposed wisdom. 
So on with how my brain works

Today I decided I'm a little bit crazy.  I talk to people- while they are inside a car and I am not in that vehicle with them.  This happened today on three separate occasions.

1)  When I arrived at a four way stop at the exact same time as two other people I said, out loud, "No, it' okay- you go ahead."  With no hand motions to convey my intentions.  Nope, simply talking apparently to no one but myself.

2)  When I walked right out in front of a car at Petsmart while picking Zoe up at Day camp.  Yes, occasionally my dog goes to Day camp.  She plays and gets her nails trimmed and it's an amazing thing.  Seriously, the first time you saw how excited she gets when I reach for her leash instead of sending her to nigh night (yes, I do say it like that) you would take her to.  ANYWAY- I was almost hit by a car and I found myself mumbling, "OMG I'm so sorry."  Not that he got the message because I kept walking and once again, I forgot the customary wave.

Look at that face =)

3)  I diagnose what happened when I pass fender benders.  Then say it out loud like I'm on CSI.  Sometimes, if I have an audience I'll even pause for dramatic effect like Horatio Caine on CSI Miami.  You don't even want to know how amazing my imitation is if I happen to be wearing sunglasses.   

So moral of the story today:  Buy cards and remember to use polite hand signals when trying to communicate with people inside of vehicles. 

OH and Enter my contest for the size S "Pushing the Limits" tee!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

J. R. Frontera said...

PAHHAHAHAA!!! Oh I love you ... and really miss you. We need to get together again really soon. And I need to catch up on your blog posts... because they are brilliant.... :D

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