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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I want it Now...

I've been struggling with this idea for a blog all night... do I write it?  How do I phrase what I want to say? 

So, I decided to go for it in honor of the "believes in dreams," shirts I just ordered... in my favorite color I might add.

So instant gratification is something I struggle with.  I like to see results.  I have absolutely no patience.  However, it's not that I expect things handed to me on a silver platter (don't mistake instant gratification with entitlement) I am perfectly willing to work for it.  I just don't like waiting. 

Case in point.  I'm down 20 pounds... yeah!  However, I want to be at my goal.  I've turned down delicious margaritas, cupcakes (the really original gourmet kind that you feel like you HAVE to try just because you're curious) and pizza, lots of pizza. 

I think every single time you turn down something delicious that is offered to you your body should automatically drop a pound.  How amazing would that be?  Then you would truly be rewarded for willpower! 

Then again I just had a flash of that 90s made for TV movie with Suzanne Sommers where she makes a deal with the devil to lose weight.  I don't remember much more than that- just that it ended badly.  Don't even ask why I thought of that- I had to be super little when it was on!  (just checked on IMDB and it was called Devil's Food... which reminded me of cake... I just said no- another pound gone?)  Since I'm drooling I thought you needed to too.
Click for recipe
Click for Duncan Hines link if you can't resist!

So I figured I'd cave and post a picture of me.  I mean how am I supposed to prove progress to you guys without a picture of me.  This was on my 30th Birthday- with my baby brother- about a month before I started.  You can't see the dress underneath the cardigan but it's already too big and out of my closet- to be donated soon!

How amazingly cute is my brother? Love him SO much!

So what exactly is my point?  You know, speaking of me being off topic sometimes, okay all the time.  My biggest critism on every single paper I wrote from Middle School through College was that I didn't stay on topic for my point =)  I'm trying to improve that with my blog.

My point is that I have so many goals.  I have so many dreams (hence the new shirt in my favorite color) and I want them now.  Doesn't everyone?  However, I'm working towards them and I'm learning that the best way to stay on track is to celebrate the small victories... all the way up until I (you) reach my (your) big goal and then I (you) set a new one!  


J. R. Frontera said...

I LOVE this post. I know exactly how you feel, girl. My dream is to PUBLISH my damn novel... and there are so many other steps to even get to that point that sometimes it is completely overwhelming. But I try to focus on one thing at a time, the baby steps, the small victories. We will get there, I know we will!!! And I will be ordering that DREAMS tee!!! ;)

Mingo Ink said...

Thanks Jen! It's so good to know that someone understands. I have all these thoughts/goals swimming in my head and I need to get them out! That's why I started putting the outfits together, I want everyone to see the ideas when I create shirts =) I want to get people out of the box and it's SO much fun!

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